Adventist Regulated Non-WDT Sacco Society Ltd.

  Call Us: 0777900074            Ussd: *346#                             Paybill: 997210   

We have 3 categories namely; Gold, Silver & Bronze. These investment Shares earn dividends of 9% every year. Members are advised to select the category of their choice.                              Below is more insight below:

GOLD: This is the 1st category where a member commit to a total of KSH. 100,000 payable within 24                      months This offer is available to all members of the Sacco.

SILVER: This is the 2nd category where a member commit to a total of KSH. 70,000 payable within 24                      months. This offer is available to all members of the Sacco.

BRONZE: This is the 3rd category where a member commit to a total of KSH. 50,000 payable within 24                       months. This offer is available to all members of the Sacco


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